Maui Spring Break 2009

Maui Spring Break 2009

Favorite Quote

Be the change that you want to see in the world. ~Mohandas Gandhi

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Journal #4

Riedel, C (2009). Create, collaborate, communicate: empowering students with 21st century skills. The Journal, Retrieved 02,28,09, from

Chris Riedel summarizes Howie DiBlasi's speech from the 2009 FETC in Orlando, FL. The main topic of his speech is that in order to motivate and inspire students, educators need to infuse 21st Century skills into their curriculum. At the time of this speech, education was ranked 55 out of 55 industry sectors for their level of IT intensiveness. We need to change the curriculum and develop and use 21st Century skills in order to be competitive. Educators need to start asking several questions about the tools and technologies that need to be a part of everyday instruction. One of the most important questions should be "how do we prepare our students to become not only readers and writers of content, but editors and collaborators", since this is what their future employers will be looking for. In a survey, 50 corporations were asked what they look for in new recruits. It was determined that the top three things are creative problem solving, critical and analytical thinking skills and information gathering and evaluation.

DiBlasi highlights his top-16 things educators need to do to prepare today's students to become tomorrow's leaders.

  1. Hug a Geek - find someone who is successful in the digital world and get help from them.
  2. Create a Social Network - use Web-based platforms to create a social network that can cross over into the district, schools and classrooms.
  3. Develop Problem-Solving Skills - take time everyday to challenge students with problem solving activities and puzzles.
  4. Start Collaborating - use collaborative vehicles to get students to interact with each other and the curriculum.
  5. Use Project-Based Learning - teach younger students traditional skills through real-life activities.
  6. Develop Information Processing Skills - teach students the skills to assess the validity of information.
  7. Give Kids a Global Voice - allow the curriculum to go beyond the classroom by collaborating on assignments with other students across the country or around the world.
  8. Discover RSS - understand the power of RSS and the ability to collect information and publish for other people.
  9. Improve Critical Thinking Skills - research and understand the resources that help to improve critical thinking skills.
  10. Teach Our Kids to be Self-Directed - help students be invested in projects, so they will see them to completion and be excited about the finished product.
  11. Create, Collaborate, Communicate - encourage a collaborative environment, for example a classroom blog where students are responsible for the production including creativity, content, publicity and public relations.
  12. Discover Social Bookmarking - understand what social bookmarking is and how to share information with many people.
  13. Use Interactive Video Conferencing - use this technology to connect classrooms and take virtual field trips.
  14. Integrate Web 2.0 Tools into Every Aspect of the Curriculum - make sure that Web 2.0 concepts like social-networking, video sharing, wikis, blogs are integrated into every assignment or activity.
  15. Promote 1:1 Computing - have a can do attitude about 1:1 computing.
  16. Staff Development is Fundamental - it is imperative that staff is following up on the changes that are being made over time.
Basically, educators need to realize that our skills need to change, so that we can change the way our students think and learn.

Question #1 - What things mentioned in
DiBlasi's speech do you need to explore more to be able to benefit your students? I need to "Hug a Geek", so that I can improve my technological savvy. I need to understand RSS and 1:1 computing better.

Question #2 - Why is it so important that technology be a part of our curriculum today? Technology has become a huge part of so many aspects of our world. It allows us to communicate and collaborate with people around the world. It allows us to instantly find answers or information we need. It allows us to be more competitive in a constantly changing job market. It allows us to study, discover and create cutting edge advances in areas such as medical, scientific, technological and environmental. It also allows us to be more creative in areas such as the arts, entertainment, publishing and broadcasting. In order for students to be prepared to go out in the world and be competitive they need to have a strong understanding of technology. Teachers need to be armed with the knowledge and ability to pass this information on to students.

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